July 10, 2015 Microsoft Band with TalyorMade Golf App Love this new app from TaylorMade and Microsoft for so many reasons. First it is free, just another bonus to having the Microsoft Band! Second…
April 10, 2015 Throw-Back-Thursday Reminder: Windows 8 Lock Screen Timeout hidden setting Windows 8 display lock screen timeout setting. I needed to blog about this as this is a setting that should be exposed without registry…
March 22, 2015 Angry Birds Star Wars Achievements – how to backup/restore I know a pretty interesting topic tag line. But after my children have spent millions of hours on Angry Birds Star Wars for some reason…
January 16, 2015 iMagnet – The best mount for your phone I have purchased two of the iMagnet devices for both of our cars and it is a wonderful device. You don’t have to worry…
December 13, 2014 Pimp My Band – Windows Band Background Tool Just discovered the Pimp My Band app for Windows Phone to change the background image of the Windows Band. The app offers a fully…
November 25, 2014 Windows 10 – 9879 loaded over after error 0x80248014 Recently Microsoft released the new Windows 10 9879 technical preview. I went to my test machine for Windows 10’s PC settings and changed the…
November 25, 2014 Nokia 1520 and SoftCard – Successful!!! I upgraded to the Nokia 1520 on AT&T after finding out that my Windows Phone Lumia 920 I received at the Microsoft Build Conference would…
November 7, 2014 Does Nokia Wallet Now work on A&T with a Secure SIM? Doesn’t look like it. After I have determined that SoftCard will not work on my Windows Developer Lumia 920 device. I am wondering if the Nokia Wallet option…
November 7, 2014 SoftCard doesn’t appear to work with unlocked phones I stopped by an AT&T location today to get my secure SIM card. That part went perfect the AT&T rep was wonderful to work…
November 6, 2014 Microsoft Band – Day 3 I wore a Omron pedometer today to compare the step count between it and the Microsoft Band. The difference was 250 steps for the entire…